Shiny Violet Star

July 9, 2024

Listening: MikitoP
Reading: Fanfic
Watching: Banzoin Hakka
Eating: Chicken nunget
Drinking: Root beer
Status: Energetic/restless

wow surprise blog post! Hello, everyone!

Ah, it's been a month...I actually had kinda wanted to update this blog again more, but really nothing of particular note has been happening other than me resting and trying to get a hold on this anemia thing. But, you know, it's a new month, so I suppose I wanted to check in?

It's definitely summer now, huh? It's finally getting pretty warm where I live, although it's a bit of a pain since my room apparently retains a lot of heat, and so I've been having to rely on my ceiling and standalone fan a lot. God, I hate summer. I mean, there's things I like about it (the bright colors outside, the beach aesthetics, sunflowers, summer vacation (were I still in school), excuses to eat ice cream and stay inside) but overall I've had a longstanding beef with the season. Part of it is definitely the heat - I'm very much someone who prefers cold weather over warm. But also summer gives me a weird reverse-SAD type beat where instead of feeling particularly depressed in the winter I just feel like garbage in the summer. Awful. Let autumn get here faster please. Please.

Anyways, while I am trying my best to rest and improve my health, I've still been a bit busy - for instance, this month I've joined Art Fight! I technically joined the site at least five years ago, but I barely participated, mostly due to my awful attention span...but this year I went "you know what? frick it we ball" and try a little harder this year. I've been really impressed, tbh? I've already recieved so much amazing art and it's only been a little more than a week >:0 To know that stuff I created, despite my own ineptitudes and idiosyncrasies, inspired people enough to draw them makes me feel really good ;v; Of course, that's been inspiring me not to slack off either! I've actually been pretty proud so far of what I've gifted back, even though it's only been revenges so far. I'll probably upload all the art I made for the event to the gallery at the end of the month in a big update, so look forward to it!

I've also been participating in a few other projects...mostly vtuber fan projects, but eh, you probably know the drill with me and that at this point. I'm really excited, though - despite being in a bit of a rut near the end of the last month, I feel pretty invigorated to draw things. :> Outside of Art Fight, I've been wanting to do more fanart, not just for vtubers but also for other franchises I like, like my idol animes. Oh, and I've also been trying to go back to my Vocaloid fan works as well. And of course, make more characters and OCs! Tons of thoughts, brain full! I'll probably not be able to do all of that this month, but we'll see. We'll see.

Um...what else...I can't really think about much else to talk about, other than that I've playing a ton of Minecraft lately. So I guess for now that'll be it from me. Even if I hate summer, I hope everyone else is enjoying theirs (or enjoying their winter! it's winter in the Southern Hemisphere, right?). See you!