Gatari's Favorite Lyrics

Welcome to my favorite lyrics page! If you couldn't tell, I really really really love music, and I've always been someone who likes paying attention to the lyrics when I hear songs. So, I wanted to make a page cataloguing all the lyrics I really like or really relate to from songs that I like. Enjoy the scroll! (A bunch of these are gonna be Vocaloid song lyrics because hahahahah)

(NOTE: Lyrics displayed on this page may contain dark or suicidal themes. Song links may lead to videos containing flashing or strobe effects. Please exercise caution.)

"I say “ghost”, but I still have sensations and emotions…
Frantically wriggling around, wrenching my eyes open and living
No, everyone, what are you doing? What are you mourning?
Even though I'm still healthy and well right here?!
A failure to communicate is the same as death
I, lying down, am carried away
I can't do possession or interference, it doesn't get across
The flames of misunderstanding only spread more and more, and finally they leap into my coffin
Save me! Save me! Save me!"
"All that stuff you like, stuff it in!
Almost to overflowing, and voila, it’s just right!
Even all that stuff you hate, stuff that in, too!
It’s too late for regrets! Even your taste buds are useless!
Even the repulsive stuff is fine!
Put in as many favorites as you have!
This feeling is always… H A R D C O R E E E E E!!!"
"If we could put into words
Every second that someone lives on
We would feel ourselves living on
Like scattering words about
If I could put into words
Every second that I've lived,
I should be able to start walking again
...Like you did, on that day."
- Siinamota, "Strobe Light"
"I got myself to laugh at distant things and ran away and hid from big dreams.
I have been living alongside many people - 'Yes, I do live.'
In a distant town far away, why can I still not change?
Even the bit of feeling from reaching my hand outside the box was gone.
...Yes, there were times when I used to think like that, too."
"I just can't hate you that simply;
But the way I am now, it's impossible for me to move forward
So I'm going to do my best to hate everything about you."
"Where someone like me being alive
Brings sadness to tens of thousands of people
And no one wants me-
I wish that were the kind of world it was.
If just by me being wiped away
Hundreds of millions of people rejoiced
And no one felt hatred for anything-
There's nothing that could make me happier."
"Hey, I love you.
It's so amazing, I don't want to give it up.
Hey, if it's not me, who would you choose?
See, there's nothing to fear.
It's just a parable, a 'what-if' scenario.
You're never going to give an answer, are you? You're so disgusting.
See, there's nothing to fear.
I will never let you go."
- DECO*27, "Psychogram"

"Even though I have nothing, I still yearn for something.
Remaining with nothing, I closed off tomorrow.
Even though I have nothing, because I have nothing,
I found it here...this melody."
"Even though we have nothing, let's walk
Little by little, let's paint it
So that the proof that we were definitely here
Will be left behind
With the expressions only you can make,
Let's smile as many times as we can
Until this voice comes to an end."
"Everything I possess isn't enough
Everywhere I know is places I've never known
While paying no mind to others' feelings,
Don't become so beautiful and then go away...
Even though my attraction may be feeble,
It's only you who I want to charm
It's just me being jealous."
- MikitoP, "Jealous Planet"
"I can't offer any proof of my feelings,
As I just can't find the words for them.
I realized I spent my days waiting and searching for something.
But that's no good - what needs to change is myself."
"So as to walk and avoid the crowds,
Living life as if I were drifting.
If that alone was my sole reason
For living the way I am, then…
“I don’t need anything else.”
“As long as I have that, I can keep living.”
I don’t think that’s it, that kind of glossing over it
Ought to come and disappear with me."
"Wait, please understand-
It's nothing, so please don't laugh at my dream
And going away with the sea train
Was my tears, my tears
So just begone, if you'll end up going away-
Please don't let me stop right here!
Laugh, cry, SOS
Me, you, me.
I cried my eyes out with that final train, drowning in that sky."
"Even if it's so delicate,
That voice of yours
Is needed by someone somewhere, so realize that now."
"C-c-c-c-culture shock!
Will it forever be a dis-discommunication?
C-c-c-c-culture shock!
Dance to this kind of dance number!
There is indeed worth to that kind of music no one knows.
C-c-c-c-culture shock!
You wanna be a rock’n’roll star? It’s all up to you."
- Tsumiki, "Culture"
"Bitter choco decoration
I long for the ideal everyone wishes for.
Bitter choco decoration
I reduce my individuality and emotions into ashes.
Bitter choco decoration
Kill your desires and your ego, and bury them underground.
Bitter choco decoration
I've finally grown up, mama."
"I’ll go even further, to a place I can’t see.
My heart or my smile, I don’t need them, I don’t need them.
I’ll go even further. Goodbye, regret.
I’m just talking to myself so that I may leave something behind.
Something that has meaning."
- nekobolo, "Apriloop"
"All you need are the things you like
Everyone likes the things they like
All you need are the things you like
Everyone hates the things they hate
All you need are the things you like
Yes, all you really need are the things you like
If humanity just did whatever they wanted,
The world would surely fall to ruin, but...

All you need are the things you like
I really like you
All you need are the things you like
But you like someone else
All you need are the things you like
That's what the point of all this is
Then again, if everyone were to become happy,
The universe would surely be troubled..."
"Leave it there, just leave it there
Don't impose a contrary image on me
Gathering like this, or scattering like that
Drown yourselves in stagnant happiness
Oh, breathe without me
Still trying to flatter people with your fake image?
Ugh, I'm sick of this- don't love me
This livelihood that looks more like a religion, I want to escape it."
- Niru Kaijitsu, "Wozwald"
"If we're going to be seperated, if we're going to lose our way,
Then I'll make sure we're connected this time, no matter how many times it takes.
If you would stay here with me, if I could just keep you from leaving,
Then I'll make sure that this feeling that no one else knows,
That everything I live for,
Is right."
- nulut, "Lower"
"With our crude voices, and our awkward bodies,
With these butterfingered hands, what shall we make today?
Yawning, you whittled away at it, and little by little,
Now that fragment of yours is a diamond
Lalala... shining forever
That fragment of yours, that fragment of yours... a diamond!
- MikitoP, "DIAMOND"
"The love that connects the gap between “goodbye” and “nice to meet you” and its future too!
The odds and ends and that dried-up planet,
I’ll embrace them all, knowing [from my brain] that we’re chasing it together
It’s fine if it’s egoistic, or if it’s just noise;
If you haven’t stopped being “you”, then…
Whether it’s logical or mythical, I’m sure, I’m sure that——
——I believed in the magic."
- sasakure.UK, "FUTURE EVE"
"Stuff in all that stuff you like!
Does it have a good taste, or a bad taste?
Toss in everything and anything as you like, this is a hot pot for the fetishisms of idiosyncrasy!
Sounds, emotions, and dreams are packed in tight to the maximum!
'Don’t you get that you’ll end up regretting it if you sit out?'
It’s the ULTIMATE of ultimate dark hot pots (yaminabe)!!
So, prepare yourself, and dig in~!"
"'You’re doing your best, even though you’re a moth! Good job, good job!'
'But how dare you be happy in spite of your mothhood? You’re making us uncomfortable, uncomfortable!'
People say after watching me hatch in a highlight clip and being shaken to the core.
'Live modestly! (Or at least more modestly than me.)'"
- Utsu-P, "Moth"
"Still, still,
All alone in the corner of my room,
I cried, I cried,
Until my heart broke into a rash.
And the
Scratched, scratched, scratched,
Gouged, gouged, gouged-out
Wound inside of my heart
Shall just be filled up
With my grand delusions."
- Hiiragi Kirai, "Zeus"
"It's fine even if you just sleep my side
So can you give me a place to belong, pretty please?
The music pouring from my earplugs,
I want you to hear it too, I want to convey it to someone."
"Don't say 'I can't do it', for even if it takes a while
It's starting to go round and round, YOU&ME
No matter how many times the night bears its fangs and brings trouble,
A 'hero of justice' keeps those tears hidden away
...Honestly showing them to no one...
...Well, managing to hide them sometimes."
"I want to be someone like you.
I want to be someone who feels very 'me'.
If I want to, I could just go and do it.
But then, would that really be 'me'?"
"Today, even if it's so ordinary,
Is someone's greatest treasure
Even if tomorrow is ordinary too,
There are still people who eagerly look forward to it, right?
Today is so very ordinary
So let's go give it color together
So that tomorrow, even if it's ordinary,
Will become something special to us."
"There are too many things in my way
It's as if there are only things I can't see
Is it alright if I try touching it a little?
I want to say it
Even though it might surely be impossible, I want to, somehow.
Hey, more, I want to see more - 
So I can turn the images I've found of your world still unknown to me
And the fragments that bloomed despite being broken all over
Into song."
"So that this shapeless song
Will never be forgotten,
Gently, I want to feel it with my hands
So that I won't grow lonely
When these memories disappear, embrace me
And show me a dream.
It's all okay, because this place belongs to you alone.
Don't cry, and let's walk towards the light."
"Hey, what am I protecting here?
The present, the past, or the future?
I can't be kind
Because I'm filled with anxiety...
...I'm sorry."
- MikitoP, "Jealous Planet"
"Hey, why? Why does this cycle continue to repeat?
Will I always remain so naive and childish?
Questions like that always send my heart into disarray
Soon, I realized this head-hung, frustrated me
Was my true self all along."
"The real answer isn't here
I know that, but I just thought I saw a glimpse of it.
I smile at your tricks
When you're here with me, I'm not afraid,
No matter how far away our tomorrow may be."
"Let me block my ears softly, I don’t need it anymore so
Please don’t sing of such lies
It seems laughable that I actually believed
In that happy ending
Let me defy it, if it’s that kind of world,
Please don’t stop right there-
Cry, laugh, the first magnitude star
Love is, love is, love is..."
"The unknown road that we're walking right now
Isn't something that someone decided to create
Even if the thing you're searching for never existed,
The next today, with your hands...
Will be decorated brightly by you."
"If there's one thing that'll never change, it's that I'll keep on waiting
Even though I know no one will come to help me
Even when there's no such thing as 'hope', I still live on
That little show of courage echoes lifelessly."
- baker, "celluloid"
"Since I don't have a dream I want to protect,
These days contain no answer. But,
That's not really a kindness, is it? 'Look,
Since absolutely nothing hurts anymore,
I'll be fine,' I say, again.
But when you've gone, ah...
Will I just keep living alone?
Will I just keep living alone...?"
- Orangestar, "Hare wo Matsu"
"The dream I drew up, the dream I had yesterday
The dream that will never come true, the past I want to erase
The people I hate or that I yearn for;
Living after saying all that and that I want to what I am."
- nekobolo, "Apriloop"
"We promised we would meet up
But I hate the rain, so I didn't go
If we had gone out, something good might have happened
Thoughts like that will flash before my eyes on my deathbed."
"Right now, I want to thank you for that all that's happened
I want to thank you for what will happen in the future as well
Even though that's all I'm trying to say here,
Not being able to say it all that well, I'm sorry for hurting you and bursting into tears
Five years worth of gratitude, what keeps me going is my thanks to you
Hello, we met again
Goodbye, we said goodbye again
Hello, we were able to meet again in the same place
Right now, I'm in love with you, I'll give you all my love
'It was that kind of song, huh?' Well, you were the one who taught me to feel this way."
- DECO*27, "Ai Kotoba II"
"Even the secrets of the universe are no secret to us, I'm sure
We just can't quite put it into words, I think.
The whole world must be brimming with nothing but exciting omens
But then why do I still get lost?
I'll hold my head high and push through the thick, thick fog,
Smiling merry, for no apparent reason.
The world is spinning the way you want it to, I'm sure.
It's just hard to notice sometimes."
- CaptainMirai, "Sekai no Hajimari"
"Whispering the same, always the same, convenient wish.
I don’t know where to start, I don’t know what I’ve lost sight of-
I’m not sure, and so I don’t move from this spot."
- nulut, "Lower"
"I-I-I hate you, wh-wh-wh-wh-what's wrong?
You're frivolous, full of fatigue.
I can't be a good girl.
It's always closing in on...
Dear, why, why don't you know? That is absolutely out of the question.
If something is truly meaningful, then without using words,
You have to demonstrate it through attitude
Or else everything remains unintelligible."
- Hiiragi Kirai, "Bocca della Verita"
"The colors are fading once more,
And even loneliness is attacking me.
The fact I feel shaken is my own fault.
You'll still never forget me,
So, without forgiving me...
It should be okay to spit me out.
It should be okay to spit me out.
It should be okay to spit me out, right?"
- littlebylittle, "Red Monkey, Yellow Monkey"
"It's always someone else, not me,
Who brings about miracles.
It's that kind of 'era'
That gives birth to such insecure souls."
"If I'm stuck struggling here, at the bottom of my dreams,
Then I'd rather consume the night whole for all I'm worth.
Just stay by my side, until I start to disgust you–
Even if it's stupid, it won't happen again,
I just want to live through this moment.
That's all."
- balloon, "Nomad"
"I want to live, but I’m told to die
I want to die, but I’m told to live
I want to live, but I’m told to die
I want to die, but I’m told to live
Is it wrong to boast of my happiness? Is it wrong to lament my unhappiness?
I’m avoiding impudent words for the sake of our glorious future
One, two - “There are many people in this world who can’t even breathe”
One, two - “There are many people in this world who can’t even breathe”
If I’m true to one side, I’m false to the other; we give, we take, we protect, we misunderstand
I stop in the minefield, and obediently become a dog."
- Pinocchio-P, "Non-Breath Oblige"
"I don't want to disappear anymore, now that I could recall your voice and that suffocating summer
'Someday I will,' I stopped saying after who knows how many times
'You should just die' - the eyes spitting out those words
It seems like they're always looking at me."
"Just because I'm alive,
Why do you smile so much?
If you keep smiling like that,
No matter how sad I am, no matter how much I want to disappear-
If only all my reasons to say goodbye
Could just be waived away...

Even if I were to be wiped away,
That wouldn't change some hundred million people.
But there's something preventing me-
And with you showing such a face, I can't bring myself to laugh about it..."
"Forever, I'll weave these songs, these sounds - I'll keep on engraving them far and wide
There are still more cuts and bruises to come, but I want to see what lies beyond.
To the you of tomorrow, to the us of tomorrow,
I strum out to reach our future selves
Because the tunes yet to be created by those the world has never seen before still make my heart tremble."
- kz, "Redial"
"Today is so very ordinary
But it's still special to me
Tomorrow will be ordinary, too,
But it's still special to you, isn't it?
Though today will be so very ordinary,
I want to welcome it with a smile, so
Even though tomorrow will be ordinary again,
Let's dance all night."
"I thought I wouldn't mind
As long as nothing changes around me, but
I tried to paint a single wish of mine.
It's all meaningless, but…
Blaming myself all this time,
I simply live and breathe, but only barely
I've always shut it away in a cage
I'm not asking for a plain, simple story--
I simply wish to hear your voice."
"What do you want?
What do you really need?
Can you use it to make someone else happy?
We will always, always have our hands
To catch the truly important things."
"And so I put out my hands before me,
As I'm unable to do anything today as well.
I cried all alone in a slightly bigger room than yesterday.
A world devoid of self-confidence, that song of mine...
I just wanted someone to help me share it...
If all I can do is convey it to others..."
"In the end, your singing voice created the world.
A singing voice that will last for eternity, an eternity of things that absolutely can’t be forgotten.
Destiny revolves, but no matter how many times you are reborn,
Let’s play this song of miracles together.
Your singing voice bestowed brilliance upon the future.
I suppose the world will change from here on out.
Tens of thousands, no, hundreds of millions of years will pass, but
I hope destiny will introduce us to each other.
“Next time, I’ll go and deliver a song to the world where you are!”"
"So the Delusion Sentiment Compensation Federation
Embraced love and shouted out their ideals
With nowhere to go, it's a fool's melody
Retrying, rebirth, teleportation
Our number of attempts just keep piling up
At the mercy of an endless love.

So this Alias: Target Love Age
The topography I protected by hating love
Is properly beginning to warp
Isn't it the worst? It's an interpersonal lotion
We'll just keep hurting each other over and over
A blended love philosophy
I hate love, I hate love..."
- DECO*27, "MKDR"
"Please cling on some more, since you’ll end up finding out
Please don’t laugh at my song;
Going away with the sea train
Was my tears, my tears
Just begone, if you’ll just end up going away,
And don’t come back here again
A midair stroll and quadruple time
I, I, I..."
"However much time passes,
These feelings will stay in my heart
And we'll keep on living
Love and music are all I need
All the things that you treasure most were already here, from the start...
In you."
"Surely, tomorrow and every day after,
This hell will continue on and on.
Alas, but for now, please...
Let me keep the feelings I had when I was a child
And be the naked me.
'Ah, I remember now! You're that serious-looking person from back then...
...Actually, never mind.'"
"Because there's no end
To this curse of sleeplessness
And the painful past,
I'm singing a song in the morning glow.
If I could forget about it completely, it would end.
But there's just one thing that I can't yield,
And without even knowing the reason,
I live on...even now."
- Orangestar, "Hare wo Matsu"
"I was counting the number of behaviors and meanings
That became their opposites.
I’m only playing around. Please forgive me.
I was counting the number of behaviors and meanings
That I’ve come to regret.
I’m not sad, since I’m an idiot."
- nekobolo, "Apriloop"
"Surrounded by the things we like,
We can't accept the things we hate
If we live only following our preferences,
We'll surely end up hated by someone somewhere..."
"Happy birthday.
I love this day upon which you were born
Congratulations, the fact that we met
I'm so grateful to this world that you're a part of
To this world where you exist, thank you."
- DECO*27, "August 31st"
"We're all tired of this world-
You, me, everyone, and even God!"
"Crying with you, laughing with you, getting angry with you…
Singing with you, dancing with you, talking with you…
Whispering the same thing, always the same: 'how much longer will this last?'
So that I may never forget the air you carved out,
I wonder how many times I’ll be made to remember it again."
- nulut, "Lower"
"I-I-I quite hate you, wh-wh-wh-wh-what's wrong?
You are frivolous, while I am noble.
I drag you across the dry floor.
If it weren't for you, I'd be a goddess by now!"
- Hiiragi Kirai, "Bocca della Verita"